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CLASS T.int @public



The builtin type int: 64 bit integer number.

The object methods can be used on an int variable or value:

 IO.print("0x" .. 1234.toHex())
Note: When compiled to Javascript an int is stored as a float, since Javascript only supports float numbers.

$Size() int @public  Return the number of bytes in an int.
$ToString() string @public  Return the number in decimal form.
$ToString(format) string @public  Return the number in the specified format.
$Type() type @public  Return the type of the int.
$Compare(other) int @public  Return -1 when this int is smaller than other, zero when this int is equal to other, and 1 when this int is larger than other.
$Equal(other) bool @public  Return TRUE when other is equal to this int.
$asString() string @public  Return a string with one character that is equal to the number.
$asByteString() byteString @public  Return a byteString with one byte that is equal to the number.
$toQuotedString() string @public  Return the number in decimal form with quotes.
$toHex() string @public  Return a string with the hex representation of the number.
$toHex(minSize) string @public  Return a string with the hex representation of the number.
$toHexUpper() string @public  Return a string with the hex representation of the number.
$toHexUpper(minSize) string @public  Return a string with the hex representation of the number.
$isWhite() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a white space character.
$isDigit() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a digit character.
$isHexDigit() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a hex digit character.
$isAlpha() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is an alphabetical character.
$isLower() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a lower case alphabetical character.
$isUpper() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is an upper case alphabetical character.
$isWhiteAscii() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a white space character.
$isAlphaAscii() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is an alphabetical ASCII character.
$isLowerAscii() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is a lower case alphabetical ASCII character.
$isUpperAscii() bool @public  Return TRUE if the number is an upper case alphabetical ASCII character.
$toLowerAscii() int @public  Return the letter turned in to lower case for ASCII letters.
$toUpperAscii() int @public  Return letter turned in to upper case for ASCII letters.
$abs() nat @public  Return the absolute value.
$floor() float @public  Return the largest integral value not greater than the value.
$ceil() float @public  Return the smallest integral value not less than the value.
$trunc() float @public  Return the value rounded to integer, toward zero.
$round() float @public  Return the value rounded to integer, away from zero.
$exp() float @public  Return the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the value.
$log() float @public  Return the natural logarithm of the value.
$log10() float @public  Return the base 10 logarithm of the value.
$sqrt() float @public  Return the nonnegative quare root of the value.
$pow(x) float @public  Return the value raised to the power of x.
$sin() float @public  Return the sine value, using the value as radians.
$sinh() float @public  Return the hyperbolic sine value.
$cos() float @public  Return the cosine value, using the value as radians.
$cosh() float @public  Return the hyperbolic cosine value.
$tan() float @public  Return the tangent value, using the value as radians.
$tanh() float @public  Return the hyperbolic tangent value.
$asin() float @public  Return the principal value of the arc sine of the value.
$acos() float @public  Return the principal value of the arc cosine of the value.
$atan() float @public  Return the principal value of the arc tangent of the value.
$atan2(x) float @public  Return the principal value of the arg tangent of the value divided by x.

members (alphabetically)


FUNC $Compare(int other) int @public


Return -1 when this int is smaller than other, zero when this int is equal to other, and 1 when this int is larger than other.

FUNC $Equal(int other) bool @public


Return TRUE when other is equal to this int.

FUNC $Size() int @public


Return the number of bytes in an int.

Always returns 8, since an int is 64 bits

FUNC $ToString() string @public


Return the number in decimal form.

For example, 1234.ToString() returns "1234".

FUNC $ToString(string format) string @public


Return the number in the specified format.

For example, -123.ToString(".5d") returns "-00123", -123.ToString("05d") returns "-0123", -123.ToString("5d") returns " -123".

The format has the fields: [width][.precision]{type}.

{type} can be d for decimal notation or x for hexadecimal notation.

[width] give the minimal width of the result, including any negative sign. When the number starts with zero padding is done with zero characters, otherwise with spaces.

[.precision] gives the minimum number of digits that will appear. If the value requires fewer digits it is padded on the left with zeroes. A negative sign takes one extra position. When the precision is zero and the value is zero the result is an empty string.

FUNC $Type() type @public


Return the type of the int.

FUNC $abs() nat @public


Return the absolute value.

Equivalent to: v < 0 ? -v : v

This method returns nat, so that it also works when used on the largest negative integer T.int.min

FUNC $acos() float @public


Return the principal value of the arc cosine of the value.

Same as T.float.acos().

FUNC $asByteString() byteString @public


Return a byteString with one byte that is equal to the number.

Only the lower 8 bits of the number are used.

FUNC $asString() string @public


Return a string with one character that is equal to the number.

For example, 61.asString() returns "=".

FUNC $asin() float @public


Return the principal value of the arc sine of the value.

Same as T.float.asin().

FUNC $atan() float @public


Return the principal value of the arc tangent of the value.

Same as T.float.atan().

FUNC $atan2(float x) float @public


Return the principal value of the arg tangent of the value divided by x.

Same as T.float.atan2().

FUNC $ceil() float @public


Return the smallest integral value not less than the value.

Same as T.float.ceil().

FUNC $cos() float @public


Return the cosine value, using the value as radians.

Same as T.float.cos().

FUNC $cosh() float @public


Return the hyperbolic cosine value.

Same as T.float.cosh().

FUNC $exp() float @public


Return the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the value.

Same as T.float.exp().

FUNC $floor() float @public


Return the largest integral value not greater than the value.

Same as T.float.floor().

FUNC $isAlpha() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is an alphabetical character.

That is for 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z'. TODO: Unicode support

FUNC $isAlphaAscii() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is an alphabetical ASCII character.

That is for 'a' to 'z' and 'A' to 'Z'

FUNC $isDigit() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a digit character.

That is for '0' (48, 0x30) up to '9' (57, 0x39).

FUNC $isHexDigit() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a hex digit character.

That is for '0' (48, 0x30) up to '9' (57, 0x39), 'a' up to 'f' and 'A' up to 'F'.

FUNC $isLower() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a lower case alphabetical character.

That is for 'a' to 'z'. TODO: Unicode support

FUNC $isLowerAscii() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a lower case alphabetical ASCII character.

That is for 'a' to 'z'.

FUNC $isUpper() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is an upper case alphabetical character.

That is for 'A' to 'Z'. TODO: Unicode support

FUNC $isUpperAscii() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is an upper case alphabetical ASCII character.

That is for 'A' to 'Z'

FUNC $isWhite() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a white space character.

That is for space, tab, control characters, etc.

FUNC $isWhiteAscii() bool @public


Return TRUE if the number is a white space character.

That is for space, tab and control characters.

FUNC $log() float @public


Return the natural logarithm of the value.

Same as T.float.log().

FUNC $log10() float @public


Return the base 10 logarithm of the value.

Same as T.float.log10().

FUNC $pow(float x) float @public


Return the value raised to the power of x.

Same as T.float.pow().

FUNC $round() float @public


Return the value rounded to integer, away from zero.

Same as T.float.round().

FUNC $sin() float @public


Return the sine value, using the value as radians.

Same as T.float.sin().

FUNC $sinh() float @public


Return the hyperbolic sine value.

Same as T.float.sinh().

FUNC $sqrt() float @public


Return the nonnegative quare root of the value.

Same as T.float.sqrt().

FUNC $tan() float @public


Return the tangent value, using the value as radians.

Same as T.float.tan().

FUNC $tanh() float @public


Return the hyperbolic tangent value.

Same as T.float.tanh().

FUNC $toHex() string @public


Return a string with the hex representation of the number.

Uses lower case letters

For example: 123.toHex() returns "7b".

FUNC $toHex(int minSize) string @public


Return a string with the hex representation of the number.

Uses lower case letters 'a' to 'f'.

minSize is the minimum size of the string, leading zeroes are added when needed. The string will get longer when needed.

For example: 123.toHex(4) returns "007b".

FUNC $toHexUpper() string @public


Return a string with the hex representation of the number.

Uses upper case letters 'A' to 'F'.

For example: 123.toHex() returns "7B".

FUNC $toHexUpper(int minSize) string @public


Return a string with the hex representation of the number.

Uses upper case letters 'A' to 'F'.

minSize is the minimum size of the string, leading zeroes are added when needed. The string will get longer when needed.

For example: 123.toHex(4) returns "007B".

FUNC $toLowerAscii() int @public


Return the letter turned in to lower case for ASCII letters.

Only works for ASCII, thus 'A' - 'Z' becomes 'a' - 'z'. All other characters are returned unchanged.

FUNC $toQuotedString() string @public


Return the number in decimal form with quotes.

For example, 1000000.toQuotedString() returns "1'000'000".

FUNC $toUpperAscii() int @public


Return letter turned in to upper case for ASCII letters.

Only works for ASCII, thus 'a' - 'z' becomes 'A' - 'Z'. All other characters are returned unchanged.

FUNC $trunc() float @public


Return the value rounded to integer, toward zero.

Same as T.float.trunc().


      Copyright 2012 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or obtain a copy at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0