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CLASS SORTEDLIST.SortedListIterator<Titem> EXTENDS BOX.ListIterator @directory



Iterator for sortedList.

Mostly like BOX.ListIterator, but set() and add() are not supported.

Implements I.Iterator<Titem>
Implements I.BidiIterator<Titem>
Implements I.MutateIterator<Titem>
$setSupported() bool @public  Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.
$set(item) status @public  Not implemented, always returns FAIL
$addSupported() bool @public  Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.
$add(item) status @public  Not implemented, always returns FAIL
$insertSupported() bool @public  Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.
$insert(item) status @public  Not implemented, always returns FAIL
Inherited from BOX.ListIterator:
NEW(items) @public  Create an iterator for items.
$hasNext() bool @public  Implements I.Iterator
$next() Titem @public  Implements I.Iterator
$peekSupported() bool @public  Implements I.Iterator
$peek() Titem @public  Implements I.Iterator
$hasPrevious() bool @public  Implements I.BidiIterator
$previous() Titem @public  Implements I.BidiIterator
$peekPreviousSupported() bool @public  Implements I.BidiIterator
$peekPrevious() Titem @public  Implements I.BidiIterator
$removeSupported() bool @public  Implements I.MutateIterator
$remove() status @public  Implements I.MutateIterator

members (alphabetically)


FUNC $add(Titem item) status @replace @public


Not implemented, always returns FAIL

FUNC $addSupported() bool @replace @public


Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.

FUNC $insert(Titem item) status @replace @public


Not implemented, always returns FAIL

FUNC $insertSupported() bool @replace @public


Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.

FUNC $set(Titem item) status @replace @public


Not implemented, always returns FAIL

FUNC $setSupported() bool @replace @public


Returns FALSE, because setting an item would change the sorted order and mess up the iteration.


      Copyright 2013 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or obtain a copy at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0