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CLASS HTTP.RedirectServlet EXTENDS HTTP.Servlet @public



Generate a 301 redirect.

NEW(to) @public  Create a new redirect to URL to.
$setResponseCode(code) @public  Change the default 301 response code into code.
$serve(context) bool @public  Handle a redirect request.
Inherited from HTTP.Servlet:
$setAllPaths(allPaths) @public  Set whether this Servlet handles all paths.
$addPath(path) @public  Add a path that this servlet will serve for.
$handle(context) bool @public  Check if this servlet wants to serve context.request.
$setMimeType(type) @public  Set the MIME type to be used in the response for this Servlet.
$filter(context) bool @public  Filter context.request, possibly changing context.

members (alphabetically)


PROC NEW(string to) @public


Create a new redirect to URL to.

FUNC $serve(HTTP.Context context) bool @replace @public


Handle a redirect request.

PROC $setResponseCode(int code) @public


Change the default 301 response code into code.


      Copyright 2009 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or obtain a copy at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0