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CLASS IO.CharReaderStack @public



A wrapper around a CharReader that supports push().

Implements IO.I_CharReader
IO.I_CharReader  $reader @file 
list<int>  $stack @file 
NEW(reader) @public  Creates a CharReader that reads from reader.
$readChar() int @public  Reads and returns one byte.
$push(c) @public  Push c back, a following readChar() will use it.

members (alphabetically)


IO.I_CharReader $reader @file

list<int> $stack @file

PROC NEW(IO.I_CharReader reader) @public


Creates a CharReader that reads from reader.

PROC $push(int c) @public


Push c back, a following readChar() will use it.

Can be used any number of times.

FUNC $readChar() int @public


Reads and returns one byte.

Uses a pushed back byte when available. When at the end of the string returns IO.eof.


      Copyright 2009 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or obtain a copy at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0