A Writer that stores the text in a string.
Use ToString() to get the result.
status @public | Writes text and returns OK.
status @public | Appends one byte byte and returns OK.
int @public | Returns the current string length in bytes.
int @public | Returns the current string length in characters.
bool @public | Returns TRUE if the size is zero.
string @public | Returns the current string.
int @public | Takes one character from the end of the string and returns it.
$clear() @public | Clear the contents of the writer, reset it to empty, free buffer.
$truncate() @public | Clear the contents of the writer, reset it to empty, keeping the buffer.
Inherited from IO.Writer:
status @public | Writes text converted to a string.
status @public | Writes number as a decimal number.
status @public | Writes number as a decimal number.
status @public | Writes number as a decimal number.
status @public | Writes flag as "TRUE" or "FALSE".
status @public | Writes ok as "FAIL" or "OK".
status @public | Writes arg depending on its actual type.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes char as a UTF-8 byte sequence.
status @public | Writes text and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes number and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes number and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes number and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes flag as "TRUE" or "FALSE" and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes ok as "FAIL" or "OK" and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes arg depending on its actual type and appends a newline.
Returns FAIL or OK.
status @public | Writes a newline and returns FAIL or OK.
$format(fmt, arguments)
status @public | Formats the string and writes it with a newline appended.